Day 1 Vud 2 After Code if Honour 1st Secret -Core- SIMT = S=Skill, I=Interest, M=Micro Mindset, T= Time, Tools and Technology
4 Secrets Brand Role – Beyond Money, Mission and Purpose, Money is only bye product. Define where your Brand is going. Purpose Define Commitment your Brand has. How your Brand will behave. Perception people will have about your Brand. Model 1 to 10
1. The Knowledge based business Discovery, Reasearch based. Evolving ng. i Courses around topic you know ii. Coaching iii. Counselling uv Affilliate Marketing. Promoting products of others 2. CATEGORIES OF PEOPLE i. Novice – No Experience ii Pro- Already created iii Star – Very Skilled and Influential
3. PRINCIPLES OF FREEDOM i Serving Hungry market ,ii Working Smart, Not Hard (initially hard work involved.) iii. Building Systems. On Autopilot. iv. Automation- Emails etc. v. Delegation- On payrolls or Outsourcing. vi. Data driven Decisions. When you grow – Tribe 4. 7:TYPES OF BUSINESS MODEL i. Manufacturing ii. Distribution iii. Retail iv. Service – Job, Freelancing v. Franchise- Better than above 4 vi. Aggregation – Examples . Uber, Ola, YOYO etc. vii. Shubhvardan model
5. FIVE PILLARS OF FREEDOM i. Traffic ii. List Building – Email list, Nurture them iii. Conversation- Very Important iv. Copywriting Life is about Dialogues, like in movies v Tribe Building. Relation starts after Sale
6. FIVE REASONS WHY PEOPLE FAIL. i. Not Sure Where to Start – Solution – Unsubscribe all the emails and Courses Implement things given. It is Proven system. After getting results, you may check them, if you want. ii Overwhelmed with Information. YouTube. Getting More confused . You do not lack information. You lack Focus and Direction. Ficus on Implementation. Formal Education is based on Information and Memorisation. This system based on Simplicity and Solutions to Problems. iii Not having Money/Resources. People skip and do not do anything. Think like a Farmer, Entrepreneur and Businessman. Farmer first sow seeds, nurture them, then harvest Entrepreneur s take Financial Risks. Success does not come overnight. Have Patience. Follow the Law of Nature. Without Input you cannot expect Output. People think online means it is completely free. It is not so. They have to make some investment. Invest in Tools and Website, Domain. Use money for self. Risk over Time is equal to Reward. iv. Implementing in a wrong way. Wrong Advices. Learn, Do/Implement and then Teach. v. Not having a bigger Mission. People’ are self centred. Money is bye product. Di not chase money. Money will follow you if you help and serve others. Be a big Visionary and Missionary. 7. CORE SUCCESS PRINCIPLES. i. Treat this like a business, Not as a hobby. Put business systems and tools in place Example of a person applying for GST anticipating to cross Rs. 20 lacs turnover in a year. ii. Go with a mindset to Solve Problems. In internet people seek solution to their problems. Your Degrees and Certificates do not matter.. iii. More you Sell, More you Make. Sale/Selling is like a Service. iv. More you Automate, More you Scale.Get did of things which are binding you. Automate the System to make Sale. v. Make residual Income streams. Don’t depend on single source of income. vi. Educate, Engage and Sell. Right kind of Customers.
8. Five Levels of Expertise. V Digital Ecosystems Model. Like Apple. IV. Group Coaching. Better than 1 to 1 coaching. III. One to One Coaching. II DO IT WITH YOU. Expert/Collaboration, Work together like Manager. DFY -DO IT for You Trading/Exchanging Time for Money. Employees., Web Designers etc. 9. DIGITAL ECO SYSTEM MODEL
* Personal Branded Website * Learning Management System * Email Marketing System * Funnel Building System * Webinar Selling System * Link Tracking System We have to do above ourselves with the help of Shubh. 10. SHUBHVARDAN BUSINESS MODEL People buy you first People connect with People. Not with company or product. or Service. External Traffic, 3 Levels. Fast, Strategic Scale and Destination Retarget Pools, Opt in Page, List, Internal Traffic, Pixel, SSS Product, Scale, Hub, You Fist, Product second RESULT STAR. DETAILS SEPARATELY. ********************* LOTS OF INFORMATION GIVEN IN NUTSHELL
SIMT S- Skill Search I- Interest area M- Micro Mindset T- Time ,Tools Technology Model- The knowledge Based Business a- Course b- Coaching c – Consulting d- Affiliate Marketing Category of People- novice Pro Star 6 Principle of Freedom- 1 Serving a hungry market 2 Working Smart 3 Building Systems 4 Automation 5 Delegation 6 Data Driven Decision Business Model:- 1 Manufacturing 2 Distribution 3 Retail 4 Service 5 Franchise 6 Aggregation 7 Subhvardhan Pillars of Freedom:- 1 Traffic 2 List Building 3 Conversion 4 Copywriting 5 Tribe Building Why People Fail:- 1 Not sure where to start 2 Overwhelmed with info 3 not having money/resource 4 wrong way implemeting 5 No BIG mission Core Success Principle:- Treat a Business Solve Problem More Sell More Make Automate Residual Income Educate , Engage & Sell Expertise Level: 5 Digital Eco Systems- Independent Automate System Implemention 4 Group Coaching 3 121 coaching 2 DWY 1 DFY
Digital Eco Systems :- Personal Website LMS Email Mktg Funnel Building Webinar Selling Link Tracking
Day 1 Vud 2
After Code if Honour
1st Secret -Core- SIMT = S=Skill,
I=Interest, M=Micro Mindset, T= Time, Tools and Technology
4 Secrets
Brand Role – Beyond Money, Mission and Purpose, Money is only bye product.
Define where your Brand is going. Purpose
Define Commitment your Brand has.
How your Brand will behave. Perception people will have about your Brand.
Model 1 to 10
1. The Knowledge based business
Discovery, Reasearch based. Evolving ng.
i Courses around topic you know
ii. Coaching
iii. Counselling
uv Affilliate Marketing. Promoting products of others
i. Novice – No Experience
ii Pro- Already created
iii Star – Very Skilled and Influential
i Serving Hungry market
,ii Working Smart, Not Hard (initially hard work involved.)
iii. Building Systems. On Autopilot.
iv. Automation- Emails etc.
v. Delegation- On payrolls or Outsourcing.
vi. Data driven Decisions. When you grow – Tribe
i. Manufacturing
ii. Distribution
iii. Retail
iv. Service – Job, Freelancing
v. Franchise- Better than above 4
vi. Aggregation – Examples . Uber, Ola, YOYO etc.
vii. Shubhvardan model
i. Traffic
ii. List Building – Email list, Nurture them
iii. Conversation- Very Important
iv. Copywriting Life is about Dialogues, like in movies
v Tribe Building. Relation starts after Sale
i. Not Sure Where to Start – Solution – Unsubscribe all the emails and Courses Implement things given. It is Proven system. After getting results, you may check them, if you want.
ii Overwhelmed with Information. YouTube. Getting More confused . You do not lack information. You lack Focus and Direction. Ficus on Implementation. Formal Education is based on Information and Memorisation. This system based on Simplicity and Solutions to Problems.
iii Not having Money/Resources. People skip and do not do anything. Think like a Farmer, Entrepreneur and Businessman. Farmer first sow seeds, nurture them, then harvest Entrepreneur s take Financial Risks. Success does not come overnight. Have Patience. Follow the Law of Nature. Without Input you cannot expect Output. People think online means it is completely free. It is not so. They have to make some investment. Invest in Tools and Website, Domain. Use money for self. Risk over Time is equal to Reward.
iv. Implementing in a wrong way. Wrong Advices. Learn, Do/Implement and then Teach.
v. Not having a bigger Mission. People’ are self centred. Money is bye product. Di not chase money. Money will follow you if you help and serve others. Be a big Visionary and Missionary.
i. Treat this like a business, Not as a hobby. Put business systems and tools in place Example of a person applying for GST anticipating to cross Rs. 20 lacs turnover in a year.
ii. Go with a mindset to Solve Problems. In internet people seek solution to their problems. Your Degrees and Certificates do not matter..
iii. More you Sell, More you Make. Sale/Selling is like a Service.
iv. More you Automate, More you Scale.Get did of things which are binding you. Automate the System to make Sale.
v. Make residual Income streams. Don’t depend on single source of income.
vi. Educate, Engage and Sell. Right kind of Customers.
8. Five Levels of Expertise.
V Digital Ecosystems Model. Like Apple.
IV. Group Coaching. Better than 1 to 1 coaching.
III. One to One Coaching.
II DO IT WITH YOU. Expert/Collaboration, Work together like Manager.
DFY -DO IT for You Trading/Exchanging Time for Money. Employees., Web Designers etc.
* Personal Branded Website
* Learning Management System
* Email Marketing System
* Funnel Building System
* Webinar Selling System
* Link Tracking System
We have to do above ourselves with the help of Shubh.
People buy you first People connect with People. Not with company or product. or Service.
External Traffic, 3 Levels. Fast, Strategic Scale and Destination
Retarget Pools, Opt in Page, List, Internal Traffic, Pixel, SSS Product, Scale, Hub,
You Fist, Product second
S- Skill Search
I- Interest area
M- Micro Mindset
T- Time ,Tools Technology
Model- The knowledge Based Business
a- Course
b- Coaching
c – Consulting
d- Affiliate Marketing
Category of People- novice
6 Principle of Freedom- 1 Serving a hungry market
2 Working Smart
3 Building Systems
4 Automation
5 Delegation
6 Data Driven Decision
Business Model:- 1 Manufacturing
2 Distribution
3 Retail
4 Service
5 Franchise
6 Aggregation
7 Subhvardhan
Pillars of Freedom:- 1 Traffic
2 List Building
3 Conversion
4 Copywriting
5 Tribe Building
Why People Fail:- 1 Not sure where to start
2 Overwhelmed with info
3 not having money/resource
4 wrong way implemeting
5 No BIG mission
Core Success Principle:- Treat a Business
Solve Problem
More Sell More Make
Residual Income
Educate , Engage & Sell
Expertise Level: 5 Digital Eco Systems- Independent
System Implemention
4 Group Coaching
3 121 coaching
Digital Eco Systems :- Personal Website
Email Mktg
Funnel Building
Webinar Selling
Link Tracking
Well Done Jitendra
Some Key learnings
– You First product second …
– Peoples connect with peoples …
– Repetation is most important …
– customer buy you first ; after your product …