1 thought on “D3V3”

  1. Ashim Kumar Naskar

    The topic on Journey is very fruitful. Ther are three categories
    (1) Novice,
    (2) Pro and
    For the NOVICE, they may not be sure about the niche, may not have skill, knowledge, selling technique, traffic generation etc but they must have the PASSION TO GROW. If they have the passion they can do wonder by following the system mentioned in this learning. they have to make their mind set and have to study good books, good accompany etc.
    Regarding the Customer based and earning potential was not properly understood. This section need to explain in details. Within very short span of time she has explained , i saw 5 times but still unable to understand the earning potential.
    Regarding the making of content for the course is also not clear. We need to buy some software and many other hurdles.
    Anyhow the toipin was OK. Thanks

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